Technology Devices in Education
Kay, R. H. (2009). Examining gender differences in attitudes toward interactive classroom communications systems (ICCS). Computers and Education, 52, 730-740.
Kay, R. H., & Knaack, L. (2009). Exploring individual differences in attitudes toward audience response systems. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 35(1).
Kay, R. H., LeSage, A. & Knaack, L. (2009). Exploring the use of audience response systems in secondary school science classrooms. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18 (5), 382-392.
Kay, R. H., & LeSage, A. (2009). Examining the benefits and challenges of using audience response systems: A review of the literature. Computer & Education, 53(3), 819-827.
Kay, R. H., & LeSage, A. (2009). A strategic assessment of audience response systems used in higher education. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(2), 235-249.
Kay, R. H., LeSage, A., & Knaack, L. (2010). Examining the use of audience response systems in secondary school classrooms: A formative analysis. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 21(3), 343-365.
Kay, R. & Schellenberg, D. (2019). Comparing BYOD and one-to-one laptop programs in secondary school classrooms: A review of the literature. In Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2019). Las Vegas, NV.
Kay, R. & Schellenberg, D. (2017). Integrating a BYOD program in high school English: Advantage or distraction? In EdMedia 2017: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (June 20). Washington, DC.
Kay, R. H., & Benzimra, D. (2016). An examination of laptop-based off-task behaviors in secondary school classrooms. In E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 705–710). Washington, DC.
Kay, R. H., Benzimra, D., & Li, J. (2017). Exploring factors that influence technology-based distractions in BYOD classrooms. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 55(7), 974-995. doi: 10.1177/0735633117690004
Kay, R. H. & Lauricella, S. (2016). Assessing laptop use in higher education: The laptop use scale. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 28(1), 18-44. doi: 10.1007/s12528-015-9106-5
Kay, R. H. & Lauricella, S. (2014). Investigating the benefits and challenges of using laptop computers in higher education. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 40(2), 1-25.
Kay, R.H., & Lauricella, S. (2011). Exploring the benefits and challenges of using laptop computers in higher education classrooms: A formative analysis. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 37(1).
Kay, R.H., & Lauricella, S. (2011). Unstructured vs. structured use of laptops in higher education. Journal of Information Technology Education, 10, 33-42.
Lauricella, S. & Kay, R. H. (2010). Assessing laptop use in higher education classrooms: The laptop effectiveness scale (LES). Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(2), 151-163.
Kay, R. H. (2006). Addressing gender differences in computer ability, attitudes, and use: The laptop effect. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 34(2), 187-211.
Kay, R. H., & Knaack, L. (2005) A case for ubiquitous, integrated computing in teacher education. Technology, Pedagogy, & Education, 14(3), 391-412.
Wearable Devices
Jovanovic, P., & Kay, R. (2022). Exploring ethical issues with using wearable technology in K-12 classrooms: A review of the literature. Journal of Digital Life and Learning, 2(2), 3–11.
Jovanovic, P., & Kay, R. (2021). Examining the use of wearable technologies for K-12 students: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Digital Life and Learning, 1(1), 56–67.
Kay, R., & Jovanovic, P. (2021). Examining practical issues associated with the use of wearable technology in K-12 classrooms: A review of the literature. In INTED2021 Proceedings (pp. 8093–8098).
Kay, R., & Jovanovic, P. (2020). Examining benefits and challenges of using wearable technologies for K-12 students: A review of the literature. In ICERI2020 Proceedings (pp. 7342–7348). IATED.
Kay, R., Jovanovic, P., & Hughes, J. (2020). Exploring the benefits and challenges of using wearable technologies for K-12 teachers: A review of the literature. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 229–236).
Virtual Reality
Craig, C. D., & Kay, R. (2023). A systematic overview of reviews of the use of immersive virtual reality in higher education. Higher Learning Research Communications, 13(2), 42–60.
Kay, R. H. (2009). Examining gender differences in attitudes toward interactive classroom communications systems (ICCS). Computers and Education, 52, 730-740.
Kay, R. H., & Knaack, L. (2009). Exploring individual differences in attitudes toward audience response systems. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 35(1).
Kay, R. H., LeSage, A. & Knaack, L. (2009). Exploring the use of audience response systems in secondary school science classrooms. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18 (5), 382-392.
Kay, R. H., & LeSage, A. (2009). Examining the benefits and challenges of using audience response systems: A review of the literature. Computer & Education, 53(3), 819-827.
Kay, R. H., & LeSage, A. (2009). A strategic assessment of audience response systems used in higher education. Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 25(2), 235-249.
Kay, R. H., LeSage, A., & Knaack, L. (2010). Examining the use of audience response systems in secondary school classrooms: A formative analysis. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 21(3), 343-365.
Kay, R. & Schellenberg, D. (2019). Comparing BYOD and one-to-one laptop programs in secondary school classrooms: A review of the literature. In Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education International Conference (SITE 2019). Las Vegas, NV.
Kay, R. & Schellenberg, D. (2017). Integrating a BYOD program in high school English: Advantage or distraction? In EdMedia 2017: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (June 20). Washington, DC.
Kay, R. H., & Benzimra, D. (2016). An examination of laptop-based off-task behaviors in secondary school classrooms. In E-Learn: World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education (pp. 705–710). Washington, DC.
Kay, R. H., Benzimra, D., & Li, J. (2017). Exploring factors that influence technology-based distractions in BYOD classrooms. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 55(7), 974-995. doi: 10.1177/0735633117690004
Kay, R. H. & Lauricella, S. (2016). Assessing laptop use in higher education: The laptop use scale. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 28(1), 18-44. doi: 10.1007/s12528-015-9106-5
Kay, R. H. & Lauricella, S. (2014). Investigating the benefits and challenges of using laptop computers in higher education. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 40(2), 1-25.
Kay, R.H., & Lauricella, S. (2011). Exploring the benefits and challenges of using laptop computers in higher education classrooms: A formative analysis. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 37(1).
Kay, R.H., & Lauricella, S. (2011). Unstructured vs. structured use of laptops in higher education. Journal of Information Technology Education, 10, 33-42.
Lauricella, S. & Kay, R. H. (2010). Assessing laptop use in higher education classrooms: The laptop effectiveness scale (LES). Australian Journal of Educational Technology, 26(2), 151-163.
Kay, R. H. (2006). Addressing gender differences in computer ability, attitudes, and use: The laptop effect. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 34(2), 187-211.
Kay, R. H., & Knaack, L. (2005) A case for ubiquitous, integrated computing in teacher education. Technology, Pedagogy, & Education, 14(3), 391-412.
Wearable Devices
Jovanovic, P., & Kay, R. (2022). Exploring ethical issues with using wearable technology in K-12 classrooms: A review of the literature. Journal of Digital Life and Learning, 2(2), 3–11.
Jovanovic, P., & Kay, R. (2021). Examining the use of wearable technologies for K-12 students: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Digital Life and Learning, 1(1), 56–67.
Kay, R., & Jovanovic, P. (2021). Examining practical issues associated with the use of wearable technology in K-12 classrooms: A review of the literature. In INTED2021 Proceedings (pp. 8093–8098).
Kay, R., & Jovanovic, P. (2020). Examining benefits and challenges of using wearable technologies for K-12 students: A review of the literature. In ICERI2020 Proceedings (pp. 7342–7348). IATED.
Kay, R., Jovanovic, P., & Hughes, J. (2020). Exploring the benefits and challenges of using wearable technologies for K-12 teachers: A review of the literature. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 229–236).
Virtual Reality
Craig, C. D., & Kay, R. (2023). A systematic overview of reviews of the use of immersive virtual reality in higher education. Higher Learning Research Communications, 13(2), 42–60.